Monday, October 15, 2007

The Right Has Ran Out Of Bullets

Walked in my law class, sat down.

The first thing that came out of my law professor's mouth was not about law, not about how crappy he's feeling, nor was it about his weekend activities. It was ridicule. Ridicule not for his students, although that would not be surprising, but ridicule towards Al Gore winning a Nobel Peace Prize.

The first thing out of my mouth? "Republican."

He was endlessly ranting about how he has lost all respect for the Nobel Prize for awarding someone like Al Gore. What does he mean, "like Al Gore"? If it wasn't due to the fact that this professor controls my grade, I would've started another debate with him. Yes, another debate, more like an argument really - its a long story.

What is it about Al Gore that irks republicans so much? Is it because the public finds Gore more credible and trustworthy than any one on the right wing? They cheated him out of the presidency in 2000, publicly mocked him for his outrageous environmental theories, accused him of siding with terrorists, and yet, the public still loves him!

Guess I would be frustrated too. After all the efforts put in to discredit and humiliate the man, he stands even more strongly now than he did when he won the popular vote in 7 years ago (he he he).

Global Warming IS a serious issue and it needs serious attention. Al Gore has made tremendous effort in getting that through the population and he was only justifiably commended.


Indigo Serpent said...


Anonymous said...

Cris, in part it's not really Al Gore that Republicans are frustrated with. It's his association with the Clinton adminstration, when he was VP. Just some folks won't change their stances even 15 years after the 1992 election. Of course, there are lots of right-leaning folks around who are still in denial about climate change, too.

I think it's really great that Al Gore won a share of the Nobel Peace Prize. And he's donating his share of the prize fund to a non-profit group that works on increasing climate change awareness, right here in Palo Alto!

- Larry

Anonymous said...

Can I just say I HATE Gore, I'm a democrat. I'm voting for Hillary because I think she'll do something right for a change.

I hate him because I think there are some serious issues that he just FORGETS. He shows graphs how CO CAUSES the temperature to go up. If you made those graphs overlap it would show that temp actually happens BEFORE the CO comes up.

I think there are PLENTY of people that should have won instead of him. It just bothers me that Gore is getting all this attention, showing graphs, when we can show graphs to be whatever we want them to be. I think the seriousness of the issue will not be global warming but the cooling that it bound to come after.