Saturday, October 13, 2007

When did snack time become so complicated?

It's a rainy Saturday morning and I found myself in a grocery store looking for a product suitable for a marketing project. Walking up and down each isle is making me hungry! I decided to get myself a snack.

Standing in the middle of the “Snack Time” isle at VONS, I contemplated which snack to buy. One end of the isle was full of chocolates, at the opposite end, there were chips and popcorn. I found myself lingering right in the middle where I was torn between cookies and nuts.

Cannot imagine how much time I spent standing there. Peanuts, cashews,
walnuts, pistachios, almonds, and mixed nuts. Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Peppridge Farm, Keebler, etc... I felt bombarded with choices; but, I know I can only blame myself as a variety-demanding consumer.

Then I remembered, just yesterday, a co-worker suggested I try Amaretto Milano Cookies (see amaretto posting). As I was reaching for the liqueur flavored cookies, my eye caught something else: Chocolate Raspberry. That's my two favorite things put together! SOLD!

I was walking out of the snack isle and found myself on the chocolate end. Why did I go in this direction? Seriously! But then, would I have been better off if I had passed through the popcorn end instead?

VONS did this on purpose! Trapping me. Lured me in for cookies and won't let me out unless I had chocolate or popcorn in stow. My marketing class was starting to make sense. Product placement really DOES matter. Darn you marketing research!

There was only one way out, buy the damn chocolate and run!

1 comment:

Indigo Serpent said...

Ha ha and the Socratic dialogue you conduct to yourself!!