Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Time Did Not Stop for Me

I took my first steps outside today; seeing the sun for the first time in 72 hours. I felt the warmth of the sun graze my skin as I was welcomed back into society.

My life was put on hold for 3 days; time continued. I got up thinking, wishing it was Sunday afternoon; but, in reality it was Wednesday. 3 days had passed me by, and I was helpless against all of it.

This was not the first incident that time left me behind. 2 years ago, life paused.

2 years ago...

Hmm. 2 years, that's an improvement. Realizing how much my life has actually changed, now I should focus on how much time has actually gone by without pausing my life.

A newfound confidence; liberated from fear.

Dear Time,

Don't stop for me. I will catch up.
I always have.
I always will.


Indigo Serpent said...

This is one lovely piece, Cress. It's a source of joy for a lot of us to see you focusing on the happiness of seeing the sun after after some significant time. We should learn from your attitude and for gracefully finding sweet poetry amidst all these.


YoshRama said...

Your sweet (and strong) personality can sure turn those bitter moments of life into something refreshing!

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" :)

Unknown said...

Wow you should right more poetry.