Monday, January 21, 2008

The Bell Rings

When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart.
Jer 31:13

The Bell Rings

She went up a mountain in search of me,
Not knowing I never left her.
She only had to listen
For I had been calling her.
She was not ready.
Eager to find me, but rendered by guilt,
She was angry for a long time. Resentful of me.
Then she became empty. Dry.

The Bell Rings

I spoke to her through her peers,
Two in particular.
I told one to speak of the most hurtful of all loves -
Unrequited Love.
I love all my children, including her,
Although they do not love me in return.
I love all my children,
Even though they ignore me, forget me, deny me.

I told the other to speak of my love -
I am always here with my children,
Despite that they only turn to me in times of need.

The Bell Rings

She walks outside,
Breathing the crisp mountain air.
She finds herself alone
Where the road bends.
She rests against a stone wall,
A lamp post lights my word.
She is in deep thought,
Overwhelmed with my love.
She cries.
Her heart is full,
She calls to me in prayer.

Heavenly Father,
I have been wretched,
Blamed you for all my misfortunes.
I realize that they were just part of the journey you planned for me.
I trust you.
Lead me father,
I will follow.
I don't deserve forgiveness
But I ask for it.
I am sorry for leaving you out of my life
Please forgive me.
I ask that you enter my heart again
Fill me with your love.
I ask of you,
Let me be your daughter.

My dear daughter,
I never left you.
And know this,
I already forgave you.
You only need to forgive yourself.
I have been waiting for you
To open your heart to me
I welcome you.
I love you.


Anonymous said...

wow! how insightful! i'm so glad you had a good time. god bless! :)

Anonymous said...

Good job Chris. The best way to start the year. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and the rest will fall in line." I guess, Chrissy is setting a good example for all of us...