Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Pick Me Up

Life is crazy hectic, this I know. But the past couple of weeks have been filled with deferred taxes, bonds, and accrued interest. Yup, my first Accounting exam was upon me. I also had an Econ exam on the same day! So, when I say the past couple of weeks have been nothing but studying, that's no exaggeration.

October 1, 2:15 PM, I just finished my Econ test, not bad. Now I have to head to Accounting. I feel pretty confident. Just yesterday, I was doing some more practice problems and was getting them right. Walk in, sit down, breathe.

October 1, 3:50PM. "What the hell was that?!!!!??" I felt like I studied the wrong chapters! Yes, they were of bonds and tax but the format threw me off so badly I did not know where to start! I really don't want to get into how difficult that exam was; but, how I felt afterward was crap. Like the past few weeks were a complete waste! And they were! That's the worst feeling when you invest so much time studying and think you understand something the material then, BAM! Nope, you were wrong.

I have a Stat exam on Monday so I knew I had to move on from this. I was really depressed and stressed out about my grade that my entire body ached. I couldn't focus at work, I couldn't do my homework. I played tennis on Thursday but sadly, even that did not help. TENNIS DID NOTHING!! Now are you getting the picture of how in terrible shape I was?

I needed help. I realized I was holding on to lots of tension and could not release them by simply shaking it off or with exercise. Come Friday evening, I was determined to relax; so, I drove to the grocery store, picked up some pasta and a bottle of wine, and headed home to watch one of the funniest sitcoms of all time.

Halfway into that bottle, I was laughing so hard and I don't think it was even at the funny parts. Later on, I danced to every alternative song in my iTunes. Worries dissipated, tension melted. I finally got to rest that night. The best part? No hangover ;) Although, I still wonder how all my stuffed animals ended up scattered on my bed that morning...from storage...

1 comment:

YoshRama said...

Finding a way to relax is always good.
As for studying and for tennis, I have THE SOLUTION for you. I was going to save this for later, but I might as well tell you know.
"The Inner Game of Tennis" by ...(I can't recall at this moment). I am currently reading "The Inner Game of Music," which is good, but apparently doesn't even compare with the original Tennis book. Read it. You'll enjoy it and you'll learn. I think there will be concepts in there that will help you study even more effectively!

