Sunday, July 5, 2009

Adventures of the Copper-Colored Hat, Chapter 1

What a blistering day! Even so, Black is a popular color. Blue just went. Green too. I guess us hats perform well in whatever color. There were 3 pink hats; now there’s only one. Two yellows, three whites, several others with patterns of colors, and me – a lone copper-colored hat.

A peculiar girl walks by; she carries a bright-colored bag, less of a rusty shade than me, but a fine pairing nonetheless. She tries on several hats...Lingering...Browsing...

PICK ME! How I'd love to travel and rest on something else than this crowded head-cover stand. How it would be like, to be hoisted away and see new and exciting things. In return, I provide shade and style to my sun-sensitive bearer. Oh what a mutual relationship it would be!

She is fond of the black hats, trying on a 3rd style. Wandering closer, she bravely tries on my yellow sister, and puts it back after evidently seeing it does not suit her. Pink, green, white. She tries them all on, but remains unimpressed. She follows her party away from the booth, fleeing from the scorching sun. More people come and go. Someone buys another black hat; some surprise there. I did mention they were popular. Minutes slowly pass... That girl is back! I have a good feeling about her. Yet, she tries the black one on again! Wait, I think she notices me. She does! She picks me up and tries me on! "Oh! What a fun and young color” she says. "And it matches my bag!"

Her companions surround her, agreeing with praise. They have new hats as well: the man sports a fedora straw hat, the woman with a wide-brimmed green hat. I think this is it! I am resting on my new mobile anchor! She instantly feels cooler with me, and walks away. And I think: if I want to be introduced to new things, I have to protect this delicate and fragile being. Thus our adventures begin, the copper-colored hat and the peculiar girl, named Cris. I watch my old stand get further and smaller - it is a sight I longed for, and welcome

1 comment:

Yoshika said...

you make me want to go hat shopping with you~ :)