Friday, November 7, 2008

Heaven In A Cup

It's that time of year when my absolute favorite drink is being served - Peppermint White Mocha.

My coffee pallate has extensively changed this past year to be more of a connoiseurs. With that said, Starbucks Coffee, with their burnt beans and pitiful, or should I say, non-existent frothing skills, is never on my list of stores to stop by anymore. What has replaced Starbucks on that list is their former trainer: Peet's Coffee - the best coffee distributor/service out there. I was more than ecstatic to find that they too have a Peppermint White Mocha on their menu, so of course, I did not hesitate to indulge myself. The result? Absolute heaven! Seriously. Instead of burnt coffee covered with peppermint syrup, Peets' version is great tasting coffee, with only a hint of peppermint. You get your espresso with a nice minty aftertaste - oh so wonderful. I don't even know how I survived without the heavenly cup; but, I do know I cannot survive any future winter seasons without it.

Peet's is the best!


Pepper said...

I saw only your subject line: "Heaven In A Cup" come up on my reader and I knew immediately that the post was going to be about Peppermint Mochas! I was right!

In fact, I was thinking about you the other day when I saw them on the menu at a coffee shop.

I like Peet's too for tea, I've never tried their coffee. I enjoy that they serve your beverage in an actual mug if you plan to stay. So classy.

Cressida said...

Oh I love the mug. Classy and environmentally friendly. It actually bugs me to see people that stay and choose to have paper cups, so wasteful.