Friday, August 7, 2009

Rude Airport Man

Let me take this opportunity to say that I love coffee - good coffee. And if I have an excellent brew in my hands, like Peet's coffee, I will cherish every single drop.

I am well aware liquids greater than 3 oz are not allowed passed the airport check point. So I did my best to get my 12 oz cup down to 3, with plans to savor the rest while at the gate.

My plan did not play out, security made me finish my drink in the spot and make snide remarks about holding up the people behind me. Uh, first of all, the woman in front of me took a hell of a lot longer unstrapping her sandals, untying her belt, and emptying her pockets, than me attempting to savor my final 3 oz! Second, there was ONE person behind me! Even he was taken back by the rude comment and was nice enough to reaasure me that he was in no hurry. What a Jerk! I realize it's for securuty purposes and that's fine. What gets to me is that he really could've approached the situation in a more polite manner, instead he chose to embarrass me. Learn some manners you arrogant jerk! Maybe I should've given him the rest of my coffee, then at least he would've been more pleasurable later in his shift.


Unknown said...

i would have given him the coffee too... in his face.

and then i'd say, "there. now it's empty. are you happy!?"

make sure it's iced coffee though. haha

Ate Ainee said...

I agree that he didnt have to be rude. Like to really stick up to those people when they are rude.

anyway, you should know that not only is there a 3oz limit but it needs to be in a quart size bag.

I'll buy you another coffee when you get back....=)

P.S. Alvin and I miss you!!! ;)