Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Budding Klutz?

It was the first day of the summer semester. With the previous semester from hell behind me and an interesting summer class, the day was not so bad.

I was in the parking lot walking to my car and I noticed the nice cool weather. It's summer, yet it's not hot. The leaves fell to the ground as if it was autumn. The leaves crunched underneath my gate, I take in the unusually fresh-smelling air as I think to myself: this is a welcoming start to a fresh semester and summer. I start to smile...

BAM! I hear a POP as I trip and twist my right ankle. My car is in sight, but I can't move towards it. Only 5 weeks have passed since I sprained my left ankle, now I injure my other ankle?! The wind blew, carried with it the foul stench of nearby exhaust from vehicles on the neighboring freeway. The wind also separated the leaves in front of me, revealing the source of my throbbing pain - a pothole.

I realize there was never a fresh start; just a temporary illusion. Misinterpreted. In front of me is the same system, same lifestyle - difficult and sacrificing, to be continued.

Here I go...


Anonymous said...

sorry, but I was cracking up when I read this. how's the ankle?

Cressida said...

it's suppose to be funny ;) Purpose was to get you to be as serene as I was before I reveal the rest of the story.

Indigo Serpent said...

You might need a walker next time..he he he.