Sunday, February 24, 2008

What A Nice Day

It's past 3 AM on Sunday and I am wide awake. I guess yesterday, Saturday, was the nice day...

I got up early and went to Kohl's for their early bird sale - I found a pair of gym shorts for $2! I then decided to try another coffee house, instead of Starbucks, named Peet's Coffee and Tea. Oh my! That was an awesome latte! I was there for about 2 hours studying, sipping my sugar-free vanilla latte, and enjoyed a chat/visit with my friend Michael.

Although I was not slated to play a match of mixed doubles today, I still came in my tennis gear to help my teammates warm up. Too bad they only got a few games in before the rain booted them off the courts. We tried to wait it out as the opposing home team offered us snacks and beer :) The rain did not let up so we rescheduled and went out for a late lunch at the Lazy Dog Cafe. Tee Hee - I got a Guinness Stout :)

After a yummy lunch with good company, I decided to stay in the area to study. Luckily, my friend Ian was available to study with me; so, we went into Starbucks for a homework session lasting nearly 3 hours. Needless to say I was homeworked out; but, the night was not over.

Somehow, I ended up going out for drinks with more of my tennis teammates. Our plan was to drink drink drink, and sober up while watching a movie. I went straight for a margarita this time - four actually, or was it five? Six? We then watched Vantage Point - the movie about the US President getting shot - it was not bad.

Just got home and wanted to share my nice day - figured I better document it while I still remember what happened :)

Good night! Or Good morning?


Anonymous said...

I was homeworked out too, but it was good feeling. Much better than stressing about it later! Glad you had a good weekend! Mine was nice too! Enjoy Monday off!!!!

Indigo Serpent said...

Sounded like you have one fun weekend! I too have an awesome time in Big Bear. I might go back on Thursday for a day trip with Karol and Jaro.

As for that fancy coffee- which I gave up this year- I treated myself with a skinny latte before the drive home from BB last Saturday night. That was one bad coffee. Stay away from that one!

Good day.

Cressida said...

Tito Buds, did you not read my skinny latte post!? I warned you to not have skim milk!