Friday, February 29, 2008

Somebody SHOOT ME!

Have to stop. Too much. Too much.

Work is CRAZY!!! I am drowning! Need to stop. Taking a breath...okay.

So, I am neck up in work - the usual. But I am so out of my mind today - I can't remember what I did two days ago! I have tons of separate cases to work on and bill and follow-up; but, I cannot seem to remember how far I got last time so I find myself going back and researching stuff all over again. Too many little things to remember! I even made notes; but they are of no help because they don't make sense to me now. Oh! And I can't seem to remember where I placed one of the files!

F@#%! Stress mounting...breathe...okay.

Calm down Crissy. Calm down. Deep breath.

I'm taking my lunch.


Anonymous said...

But who's gonna shoot me?

Yeah, probably a good idea to take a break, recoup, and get back to it. Maybe your notes will make sense then. Maybe set up a separate slip file with labels file, bill, follow-up and that may help with what you need to do with what. A good thing that I use to do at my old job was write myself an e-mail with what I did that day in detail and I read it the next day I came back and that seemed to help me get back into the groove, much better that chicken scratch notes, at least for me it was.

Indigo Serpent said...

He he work wor..and thanks for 3-day weekend. I have one coming up!!!