Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Beach

I'm supposed to stay away from the sun. I know this. Furthermore, it's verifiable that the sun weakens me. But, for whatever reason, I really want to go to the beach. I cannot swim, so it's not the water. I just want to sit on a lounge chair, with a cold drink in my hand, and sun bathe.

Is it vanity? Maybe it's the three different tan lines from tennis that I want to get rid of.

Is it stress? Maybe there's just a lure to get some R&R.

Is it California? Maybe living in "sunny Cali" is getting to me. OMG! I'm turning into an OC girl! (that's Orange County for you east coasters).

Whatever the reason, I think I'm going to find out the hard way why I am supposed to be sun-free. Expect a following ranting post. :)


Anonymous said...

I'd join you but I hate the beach, so be careful!

Unknown said...

welcome to so-cal!!!